Friday, December 18, 2020

Christmas Tree Peace

Well I used to be a DT member of Tuesday Morning Sketches and I just loved this sketch. So I made a monochromatic Christmas card using some patterned paper and dry embossing the background with stars. I used some die cuts and punches to make this quick and simple card.

Patterned Paper:  Paper Studio
Cardstock:  Recollections
Embossing Folder:  Cuttlebug
Die:  Sizzix and QuicKutz
Punch:  Hobby Lobby


Tuesday Morning Sketch - Ch 585
12 Months of Christmas Link Up - Ch. 72 Anything Goes
Tuesday Throwdown - Ch. 472 Anything Goes
Word Art Wednesday - Ch. 470- 472 Christmas
the Sisterhood of Crafters - Christmas/Winter
Scrapping 4 Fun - Ch. 182 Christmas or Winter
Fezziwigs Festive Frolics - Last minute makes


  1. Hi Stranger, love your card and all your new posts below. xx

  2. Great papers and card design Lisa..I try so hard to follow sketches but I keep wandering off in my own direction..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Cute trees, Lisa Lynn! Love your plaid paper too!

  4. Great card Lisa would never know it was last minute. xx

  5. Beautiful card!
    Happy holidays! ⛄

  6. Just beautiful Lisa Lynn! Love it! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Sisterhood of Crafters challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

    Please stop in for a visit!

  7. So glad you joined our sketch with this beautiful card, Lisa!
    xxx Margreet

  8. Ah this is super, I love that sketch, may try to play too. Thank You for sharing with me over on Fezziwigs, Sending Seasons Greetings, Stay Safe, Hazel x

  9. Beautiful card Lisa- I agree it's a fabulous sketch.
    Happy Christmas Lisa- ours has just been cancelled due to the virus, not surprised,just disappointed but better to be safe really.

  10. So lovely, Lisa! That is a fabulous sketch. The monochromatic green is perfect for this holiday card. Thanks for joining the Sisterhood of Crafters, "Anything Goes Christmas/Winter" Challenge.

  11. Beautiful take on the sketch!!
    Good to "see" you! Have a Merry Christmas!
    Thanks for playing along with us at Tuesday Morning Sketches!
    Debbie ~ TMS DT
    Debbie's Dash of This and That

  12. Yes I agree so nice to see you again Lisa!! Love the colors and the fresh clean look of this card - I could almost smell a fresh evergreen forest!! Thanks so much for creating this week with us at Tuesday Morning Sketches!!

  13. Lovely, lovely! Those trees are perfect with that plaid. Thank you for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  14. Great card and perfect colors and love that plaid -perfect for Christmas. I love the sketch and can see why it caught your eye!

  15. Very elegant looking. The embossing is striking and I just love plaids. Hope you are doing well!

  16. I love the plaid choice for your squares. They work so well with the trees! Thank you for joining the Scrapping 4 Fun Challenge!

  17. This is beautiful Christmas card. Hope your New Year started great and we're so delighted that you took the time to join our Challenge at Word Art Wednesday. Living you with the timeless Word of God that comes from 2 Peter 1:19-20 that says, "And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation." Be encouraged.

    JO ANN
