Monday, January 18, 2021

Panda Birthday

I actually got my Copics out after months of having them packed in the corner of my office. since I put away my Christmas and put out my Valentine decorations....I decided to do some coloring. I also needed to make a birthday card for my son's girlfriend who is into pandas.

Patterned Paper:  Paper Studio
Glitter Paper:  Recollections
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollections
Stamps: MFT - retired panda
Sentiment: Hero Arts
Ink: Versafine
Embossing Powder: Ranger
Flower: Prima
Pearl: Recollection
Die Cut: Sugar Pea

My Favorite Things - MFTWSC524
Always Fun - Ch. 197 Use your Favorite Products (embossing, flowers)
Incy Wincy - Anything Goes
Seize the Birthday - Ch. 205 addl topping Snowy Background
Penny's Paper Crafty - Ch. 487


  1. Your son's girlfriend will aodre this card with pandas! Love the backing papers.
    xxx Margreet

  2. LOve the cute pandas and as working my way back this design is perfect for most cards
    Carol x

  3. What an adorable card with those cute pandas. Love the background. Thanks for joining us at Seize the Birthday.

  4. Oh my goodness this is my favorite! Love these pandas. And the sparkly papers and layout. Adorable and she's going to love it.

  5. This is lovely Lisa! Such a great design! Your pandas are too cute and I love their glittery backgrounds. Your red and yellow pop so vibrantly against the monochromatic background! Thanks for sharing this with us at Penny's!

  6. The pandas are adorable! I love animals so much! Very cute card!

  7. Great, fun Panda card!
    So glad you have shared this with us at 613 Avenue Create.
    Please come back again!
    The best of luck with your entry.
    Stay safe and well.
    Jackie, DT member at 613 xx
