Friday, January 27, 2012

I love you

I can tell it is the end of the took several attempts to get my son out of bed this AM for school.  So I worked on this card while I stayed awake to make sure he got up and going.  Even his cat would pace in front of his door knowing it was past the time that he was suppose to be up.  Not sure how he plans to make it in the military because Mom isn't going to be there to wake him.

Patterned Paper:  Nitwit - Valentine
Cardstock:  Core-dinations, Recollections
Stamp:  Birdie Brown - I Love U Line  
Thread & Ribbon:  Stash unknown

Mojo 225 - Sketch
Colour Create - Pink, Green & White


  1. Lisa, this is so pretty.. Love the papers and the design.. very lovely work.. hugs, Linda

  2. Such a lovley card. Love the papers, and your design.
    Thanks for playing along with us over at Colour Create.

  3. wow Lisa this is gorgeous, so pretty and perfect for our challenge...thanks for joining in with the Colour Create challenge
    Mina xxx
