Sunday, January 29, 2012

I'd snap

My Valentine card for my husband is a photo card since he loves photography.  It mixes the old-time vintage paper from TLC with the snap shot image of the Whimpsie Doodle sentiment which is like my husband using old and new.  I usually refer to him as my geek because he understand all the new stuff and modern technology and keeps me up-to-date on it even though he is much older than I am.  He quotes model numbers and can remember that kind of stuff when it comes to cameras and technology, but when it comes to his health and medications that is another thing.....then he relies on me.  So I wouldn't have a blog if it weren't for him, and I'm not sure he would be here since he doesn't keep his medications clear or straight if I don't do it for him.  We are a good team, and luckily for him that I am a nurse with a cancer background.

Patterned Paper:  TLC, Melissa Frances
Cardstock:  Core-dinations, Recollections, Bazzil
Stamp:  Whimpsie Doodle - Valentine Messages
Buttons:  Stash
Ribbon:  Michael's
Divine Twine
Spellbinder:  Petite Oval Large

Paper Sundaes- Valentines

Patterned Paper:  Basic Grey - Urban Prairie
Cardstock:  Basic Grey - Urban Prairie, Recollections
Stamp:  Saturated Canary - Jenny
Lace: Wrights
Spellbinders:  Pairian Accents
Flowers:  Prima & Recollections

The Sweet Stop - Sketch 143
Saturated Canary - Die Cuts
Basic Grey (Urban Prairie) - Favorite things - Saturated Canary Stamp, lace, flowers
Color Throwdown


  1. Both cards are so pretty Lisa. Love the colors, the images you used. The papers are really nice... also love all those buttons on your first card! Your hubby will love it, I am sure. Thank you for playing along with us at The Sweet Stop this week. :o)

  2. Hiyah Lisa Lynn!
    hun I love both of your cards, the old camera dp on the first one is so cool! love it and your sc card is fantastic, i love the colourscheme
    thankyou for sharing it with us over on the saturated canary challenge blog
    hugs Lou xx

  3. It definitely sounds like you are a perfect match!
    Love your camera card - so creative with the buttons and ribbon. And the second one is so pretty and girly.
    Caroline xxx

  4. Im impressed you have OH's card done already, a very cool card, I'm sure he'll love it. Love the 2nd one too, gorgeous papers. Hugs Tracy x

  5. Gorgeous cards!
    Thanks for joining us at Saturated Canary Challenges! xx

  6. Such lovely card!!!
    Thanks for joining us at Basic Grey challenge.
