Friday, July 26, 2013

Bless You

For our anniversary, my husband and I went out to eat at a very nice restaurant.  I had been there before with a friend, but this was the first time for my husband.  I told him it was expensive, but he was in a sentimental mood since with his cancer....we don't expect to celebrate another anniversary.  We had a wonderful meal and had agreed to share a dessert.  My husband was just a little shocked when the ipad that had the dessert menu didn't list any prices.  I just laughed, and said, "At this point, does it matter?"  We received  a box of chocolate truffles as a gift from the restaurant, and had an evening as best as we could.

Patterned Paper:  Sweet Shoppe - You're Going to Miss this; Paper Studio
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Core-dinations; Recollections
Sentiment:  TLC, Create - Bless You
Circle Punches:  EK Success
Flower:  Prima & Recollection
Die cuts: Verve banner
Liquid Pearl

Viva la Verve - Week 5 Sketch
Make It Monday - Ch. 150
Paper Crafting Journey - Punches and/or die cuts


  1. Happy Anniversary, Lisa Lynn. I am glad you were able to have a sentimental dinner out to celebrate. Thanks for sharing the photo with us. Beautiful card, too!

  2. First let me just say that you have a beautiful name and secondly, I was so touched by your blog post. Thank you so much for sharing such a touching experience and for sharing your beautiful card as well. You've done a fantastic job using the sketch. That would make a terrific layout for a scrapbook page too.
    Wishing you both all the best!
    Thank you so much for taking the time to join us at Make It Monday and sharing your talent with us!
    Best of luck to you and hugs,
    Lisa xx

  3. So glad you had a nice anniversary dinner out, Lisa Lynn! :^) And I am glad you posted the photo, too! :^)
    Love your take on the sketch! That DP is absolutely gorgeous! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  4. What a lovely card. Thank for joining us at Paper Crafting Journey
