Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Bird brain you'd better not pout

Here is a card I made for the From the Heart SOTM image and used a sentiment from TLC.  I stitched the top portion of the card.  I just love this image because this is how I feel finishing the last touches of the gifts.

Patterned Paper:  Recollections
Cardstock:  Recollections; Bazzil
Stamp:  From the Heart - December SOTM
Sentiment:  TLC, Create (see above for direct link)
Circle Punches:  EK Success
Spellbinders:  Picot Circle
Border Punch:  Martha Stewart
Thread:  stash
Bling:  Me and My Big Ideas

From the Heart - Sketch 91
From the Heart - SOTM


  1. Awesome christmas card, Lisa Lynn !! Great take with "Christmas Spirit Birdbrain" and also with the Sketch. Love the color combi.

    Thanks for joining our SOTM December Challenge and also our Sketch Challenge. Please remember next time to add our Sketch in your post- it´s on of our rules. Thanks !!

  2. Too cute, Lisa! Love the image & sentiment and your wonderful design! :^)
    Here's wishing you a very Happy New Year!
    Hugs, Penny

  3. Super cute Lisa!

    Thank you for joining us at FTHS for the December SOTM challenge!

  4. So cute...I love the border on the white panel! Thank you for playing along with us at From the Heart Stamps!
