Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Football - Go team

I have this side step card that I made for Imagine That! using the SOTM.  Being from Wisconsin, I had to use Packer colors and the jersey for Aaron Rodgers.  The football ticket is a sentiment from TLC.  We are just so excited that our team is in the play-offs.
Remember to join the challenge at Imagine That! and then next month, you will get the set for free.

Patterned Paper:  Recollection
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollection
Stamps:  Imagine That - Humphrey Football
Sentiment:  TLC, Create
Pipe cleaner: Recollection

Incy Wincy - Use a Number
Glitter 'n Sparkle - Ch. 118 Anything Goes
Paper take Weekly - Anything Goes


  1. Fabulous center step card and a manly one at that..

    Thanks for joining us over at Incy Wincy..

    DT Pam

  2. Brilliant, fresh and fun card! Love it! I have never made stepper before...think I might have a go after seeing this one! Thanks for sharing with us over at Glitter n Sparkle - Vic, DT x

  3. I expect that you are really excited your Packers are in the playoffs. My Cardinals were, too, for a very brief moment, lol! :^)
    Love this side stepper. Pays great tribute to Aaron and company! :^)
    Good luck with your team!
    Hugs, Penny

  4. Cool card! Perfect for the little (or big) boys in our life! Thank you for playing along with Incy Wincy this week - Colette DT

  5. This is great! Thanks for playing at PTW! xxx

  6. Great card,love stepper cards.

    Thanks for joining us at Glitter n Sparkle.

    Tracey DTxx

  7. Wonderful boy's card! I love the step style! So glad you linked up with us at Glitter n Sparkle for our Anything Goes challenge. Best of luck in our prize draw!

    KT Fit Kitty
    Glitter n Sparkle DT

  8. Great card I love side step cards thanks for joining us at Incy Wincy this week.
    Jenny x
