Tuesday, January 15, 2019

What's one more?

Well, I had my sinus surgery yesterday! I survived.  Now just have a sore throat from the ET tube from the anesthesia and now have drainage, but it's not bad.  Will just have to wait to find out if it does the trick to keep my sinus open. Thanks for all the support and prayers, I GREATLY appreciate it!
For the Catch the Bug Birthday Bash on Tuesday this image will be a freebie from 7am to 7pm so grab it so you can use it to make some of your cards for the challenges.  I used it for the BINGO and sketch challenge as samples.  For the BINGO challenge I used ALL the items and the Players Choice was monochromatic.  The sentiment is from TLC, Create.

Patterned Paper:  Core-dinations
Cardstock: Bazzil; Core-diatios; Recollections
Stamp:  Bugaboo - Digi Monster 3
Sentiment:  TLC, Create - What's one more?
Embossing Folder:  Cuttlebug
Ribbon:  Michael's
Circle Punches:  EK Success
Tag:  My Favorite Things
Bling: Paper Studio

Crafting from the Heart - Ch. 234 Anything Goes
Love to Craft  - Ch. 30 Anything Goes
Dream Valley - Ch. 193 Anything Goes
Dragonfly Dreams - Anything Goes
Pearly Sparkles - Ch. 36 Anything Goes


  1. Glad your surgery went ok! Fingers crossed it solves the problem and you'll begin to feel a lot better very soon!
    Fab card with the cute 3 headed monster, well done on using the bingo chart AND the sketch!

  2. Glad your surgery is behind you and let's hope your sinus will stay open!!
    Your card with the 3-headed cutie is fab....love the sentiment!!
    xxx Margreet

  3. fine dat everything is ok with your surgery! Hope you feel better so!
    love your card, great with all the bingothemes! funny sentiment too!

  4. Hope you feel better soon. This is a fab card. Thanks for playing along with us this month. Lisa DT Pearly Sparkles Challenge

  5. Back again to say Thank you for sharing with us at Dragonfly Dreams this month. Lisa DT

  6. Fun 3 headed monster : ) I love your fun card! This has been such a fun week!

  7. I'm glad the surgery went well!! I hope it works and you feel much better soon. Your card is adorable!! The monster is too cute!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  8. Good to read that the surgery is behind you. A fab card. Thank you for taking part in the January "Love To Craft Challenge". DT Sam x

  9. Sooo lovely...take care of yourself Lisa Lynn!!!
    Lynn aka Lynnpenguin, Bugaboo DT Teamie

  10. Sinus surgery. Ugh. Been there, done that. 3 times. I hope it works for you! Keep rinsing, rinsing, rinsing! It really is the key.
    Nice card. Let’s hope those 3 heads don’t have sinus problems.

  11. Fun monsters. Thank you for sharing your lovely work with us at Dragonfly Dreams.
